DropFunnels Review

First impressions on DropFunnels.

This isn’t my first funnel builder, but I find it to be the best.

Starting out, I used LeadPages, because that what was recommended.

It had a great interface, easily navigable, and a good price point.

At first it was a challenge, as they only dealt with landing pages, and I was building out websites.

Next my mentor suggested ClickFunnels, which was in no way intuitive.

Everything with CF requires some coaching to understand what you’re getting into and doing.

The price is also a big jump from LP, but there are a lot more things that can be done, and they do provide training.

With CF there are templates everywhere! People are selling them, giving them away, using them as part of their incentive to get someone to join under their affiliate link.

Oh yeah, CF had a ridiculous 50% commission going, so everyone and their dog started pushing everyone else into the program.

CF also had a very limited number of funnels you could have. On the basic plan you could only have 10 funnels and 20 pages.

That”s too limiting.

A friend of mine was involved with DropFunnels beta testing and he was always sharing things that he was experiencing.

Just as everything was in final stages to launch, I took a leap of faith, cancelled my CF account and jumped into DropFunnels.

Right away it was different.

As soon as it was released to us on the inside,  I started playing around.

This has it all. I have a domain, hosting, website, link tracking, crm, sales channel, funnels, and blog all under one roof!

Breaking this down, I’m not logging into multiple different platforms just to publish a page.

I log into DropFunnels, and I see first thing my marketing channel. This is where I have a back office showing me everything.

I have separate tabs for my leads, sales, link tracking, funnels, products, integrations (payment and domain), and sales.

Then I have all of my other options down the left hand side, blog, hosted media, pages, comments (so I can moderate comments on my blogs), general page appearance, builder functions, users, tools available, settings, and SEO.

This truly is all in one, the only thing else needed is an auto-responder.

Pages load like lightning compared to CF.

Hell, just navigating my back office is lightning speed. You can check out my walk-through here.

All of the builders are drag and drop, there isn’t a steep learning curve, and anyone can be up and published in 20 minutes.

Everything is pretty intuitive, and I’m so glad I made the switch.

The only thing I’ve really had to think about is how to redo things because we’re no longer limited.

Get unlimited yourself, grab a 14 day free trial on the best 2020 has to offer.

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