Is DropFunnels worth it?

So, you might’ve missed the boat regarding DropFunnels’ introductory offer, and you’re wondering if you made a grave mistake. Let me break down what you get when you sign up for a free 14 day trial with DropFunnels: The ultimate marketing solution. ☑️Hosting ☑️Website ☑️Blog ☑️SEO ranking (and free training) ☑️Unlimited Funnels-make as many as…

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More About DropFunnels

So I’ve been hanging out with my laptop, learning all the ins and outs of DropFunnels for the last couple weeks. I know that I still have a lot left to learn, but I love how easy it is to have everything all inter-connected. I’m not logging into WordPress for my blog, it’s on the…

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Membership sites have launched!

Another amazing Sunday here on the interwebz, with great news for my fellow marketers! DropFunnels has beta released Membership Sites.   As you may know, beta launches allow for users to test everything out and work out all of the bugs before calling it a release. If you use Membership sites, you know exactly how…

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My Marketing Journey

I didn’t start out knowing anything. When Janet and I started creating our Orgone art, we had it in a local boutique for a while. We thought we knew some basics about having an online presence: the boutique has a website and social media pages, and the owner showed us quite a bit on how…

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DropFunnels Review

First impressions on DropFunnels. This isn’t my first funnel builder, but I find it to be the best. Starting out, I used LeadPages, because that what was recommended. It had a great interface, easily navigable, and a good price point. At first it was a challenge, as they only dealt with landing pages, and I…

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